Sera’s Blog 2023
You can now follow the latest news from Staples & Vine with Sera’s Blog.
Updates from the workbench with news on the latest aircraft being sculpted.
I hope you enjoy the blog and I appreciate your feedback.
You can email me directly via sera@staplesandvine.comYou can keep up to date with my news by following me in the social media links at the bottom of the page.
September 26th 2023
The new releases are now in production! Both of these models have been created entirely from scratch. They are two great subjects. Following on from these two are a trio of cold war jets: the Gloster Javelin FAW Mk 7, the Martin B-57B, and the Sea Vixen FAW 2. All of these will be in 1/144 scale. You can find out more about these two new limited edition models by clicking on the images below.
B-58A HUSTLER 'Rapid Rabbit'
For something completely different also released are the files to 3D print your own model of Slave 1 from ‘The Empire Strikes Back’.
This is a set of downloadable files for 3D printing not a finished model as you see here. You can see the full story behind this project on my YouTube channel HERE. The model you see here is 1:30 scale and is intended to be the same scale and size as the original movie filming model. It measures 69 cm long and has a wingspan of 66 cm. Because it is the same size as the original it is known as ‘Studio Scale’ which can actually be any scale. I hope you like it.
After the success of the latest 1/144 pairing I am pleased to announce three more 1/144 releases. They are the Gloster Javelin FAW Mk 7, the Martin B-57B, and the de Havilland Sea Vixen FAW 2. Clicking on any of the images below will take you to the relevant page.
The Gloster Javelin FAW Mk 7 was a heavily armed all weather fighter used by the RAF during the 1950s and 60s and was often armed with Firestreak missiles. The 1/144 scale Javelin FAW Mk 7 will be a limited edition of 50 only and approximately £110 plus shipping.
MARTIN B-57B 'Hell's Angel'
The success of the Canberra led the USAF to adapt the design to create the Martin B-57B. This served in the Vietnam war in the early 1970s. This model will feature bombs under the wings. The B-57B Canberra will be a limited edition of 50 only and approximately £110 plus shipping.
The de Havilland Sea Vixen FAW 2 was the Royal Navy’s principle carrier fighter for much of the 1960s. This aircraft will feature extra fuel tanks and rocket pods under the wings. The Sea Vixen FAW 2 will be a limited edition of 50 only and approximately £120 plus shipping.
July 3rd 2023
The two new releases are well advanced in my CAD software and now need to be cut into parts and then 3D printed. The prints will then be moulded and cast in pewter to make metal masters which will in turn be used to make the production moulds.

The Canberra features an asymetrical cockpit, wingtip tanks and a belly gunpack so it should make a fascinating model.

The B-58A Hustler is a bigger aircraft than the Canberra and poses a few design problems. Designing a model to make a one off is one thing but to make it capable of production is something completely different entirely.
The crazy undercarriage on the Hustler is a perfect candidate for casting in bronze. These have already been 3D printed and are about to be sent off for moulding and casting.

The image on the left shows the parts fresh from the printer still with their supports. Once these have been removed and cleaned up they can be sent off to be cast in bronze.
Now it’s back to the keyboard to get the rest of the parts printed. They will then be converted into metal masters using my usual method. Check back in later to see what progress I am making.
June 30th 2023
As promised here are the new releases I have been working on… These will both be 1/144 aircraft and are currently in the CAD stage. You will be able to find out more by clicking on the images below which will take you to the relevant pages. Both are limited editions of 50 only.
B-58A HUSTLER 'Rapid Rabbit'
The first of the new releases is the Convair B-58A Hustler ‘Rapid Rabbit’. These supersonic ‘Cold War’ bombers carried a large ‘mission pod’ under the fuselage and were powered by four General Electric J79 engines which led them to set numerous speed records over the years. The 1/144 model is only slightly smaller than the SR-71 Blackbird and will have detailed bronze undercarriage and be approximately £135 plus shipping. I’m not sure of a release date but send me an email if you would like to go on the list for one.
The English Electric Canberra first flew in 1948 and although designed as a bomber was adapted to various other roles. The B(I)8 version was used for night interdiction. Armed with a belly gun pack it was still a bomber capable of low level attacks, in the tradition of many of the WW II Mosquito fighter bomber squadrons. This 1/144 model will be approximately £120 plus shipping.
These models are both in the early stages of sculpting but you can expect the see progress on ‘Sera’s Blog’ on the website. If you would like either or both of these models send me an email and I shall add you to the initial production list.
In other news here’s something completely different I have been working on in my spare time…
You may be aware that last year as a personal project I completed a large model of ‘Slave 1’, a spaceship from Star Wars. This was entered in the national competition and won Best Sci-Fi model 2022. I have on evenings and weekends been working on all new STL files which I will be selling through the website to allow others to 3D print their own model. The files will be approximately £100. You can see the full story behind this project on the Staples and Vine YouTube channel HERE. It’s been quite a journey and I am currently test printing and assembling the final model before the files are released.
To allow me more time to dedicate to my core business of making models for you guys I have decided to out-source my T-Shirt and mug production. I’m using a great company called ‘Spring’ who have factories across the world supplying high quality merchandise at great prices. You will see all my original designs on there plus a few new ones. My Spring site is HERE.
June 29th 2023
Finally I am on top of orders for models! That large batch of releases last year bought in a tidal wave of orders. Thank you to everyone who ordered and was so patient. The range is now looking ‘fleshed out’ again and I can start adding new aircraft models to fill in the gap in aviation history.
Stand by for an announcement of new releases in the next few days…
In other news as chair of the local model club, the North Devon Model Society, ( ) I have also been working on a large model show to raise funds for ‘Children’s Hospice South West – Little Bridge House’ for children with life limiting illness.
Staples and Vine won’t have a stand there but if you can find me I will be more than happy to have a chat.