Sera’s Blog 2022
You can now follow the latest news from Staples & Vine with Sera’s Blog.
Updates from the workbench with news on the latest aircraft being sculpted.
I hope you enjoy the blog and I appreciate your feedback.
You can email me directly via sera@staplesandvine.comYou can keep up to date with my news by following me in the social media links at the bottom of the page.
December 22nd 2022
Well that just about wraps up 2022. I’ll be back at the workbench on January 4th casting and painting. Thanks to all my great customers for being so patient with me through 2022. It’s been a year of highs and lows. To go out on a high some of you may be aware of my Slave 1 model build which I have fully documented on YouTube? Well, I entered it in Scale Model World 2022 International model competition and not only won GOLD in my class but ‘Best Sci-Fi model 2022’. You can see the full build on my YouTube channel. I’m working on a Mk II so this one is FOR SALE. If you would like this model as the centrepiece of your collection drop me an email.
I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and wish you all the best for 2023. All the best, Sera.

November 18th 2022
I am proud to announce the addition of 23 new aircraft models to the range! Many of these are models customers have requested in the past, such as the Bf 109F-4 of Hans Joachim Marseille and the English Electric Lightning in the stunning ‘Firebirds’ display scheme.
To find out about these new releases just click on any of the thumbnails below.
I hope you like the latest releases. Don’t forget you can find out more about any of these aircraft just by clicking on the images.
My next releases will see a return to 1:144 scale aircraft with a collection of all new models. Make sure you check in regularly to find out more about what I have planned for the future.
All the best
November 14th 2022
More sad news I’m afraid… My companion ‘Winston’ passed away a couple of weeks ago. Tim and I had him from a kitten and he became adopted as ‘The Company Cat’. He had a great life and was spoilt rotten. I could never be without a cat and after some diligent searching I can now welcome ‘Watson’ as the latest Staples and Vine employee. He is currently 18 weeks old and has just started his apprenticeship program. I’m sure he will do fine.
In other news get ready for a MASSIVE ANNOUNCEMENT later this week. Those of you subscribed to my newsletter will be the first to know what I have going on so make sure you are signed up. Sorry about the ‘radio silence’ recently but I have been working flat out on this event. Stay tuned, Sera.

August 19th 2022
Land speed car production was going at an excellent pace until two weeks ago when the element on my metal melting pot burned out. This was a double disaster as the company who made the original pot went out of business many years ago. So, I spent the next few days trying to get a replacement element made with little success. The melting pot is basically like a kettle for metal with no lid. The element is a carefully bent rod controlled by a thermostat. I finally gave in and tried to buy a new pot but there was a 6 week delay. When I explained my situation the response was ‘we do repair pots’. I was saved and after some toing and froing I now have a working pot again and am back casting thanks to SEBA Developments -Thanks guys.

July 7th 2022
At last, the new land speed cars are in production. These two all new models mark Staples and Vine’s first foray into the world of 1/43 scale cars. Sculpted by hand and cast entirely in pewter they are in the same ‘house style’ as the aircraft and tank ranges but are designed to be removable from their bases. They are available with or without figures and mark the beginning of my new ‘Land Speed Car Range’ so you can expect to see many more of these incredible vehicles in the future. You can find out more on these two new cars by clicking on the images below.
Powered by a Rolls-Royce ‘type-R’ racing engine, intended for ‘Schneider Trophy’ aircraft, the Campbell-Railton ‘Blue Bird’ was the pinnacle of Sir Malcolm Campbell’s racing achievement. In this car he broke the Land Speed record in 1935 becoming the first to break the 300mph barrier setting a new record speed of 301.129mph. The model recreates his record breaking run on the Bonneville Salt Flats with figures representing Sir Malcolm Campbell and his senior engineer Leo Villa. Of course the cockpit features a detailed instrument panel and steering wheel. This limited edition of 100 only is £125.00 plus shipping. The optional figures are an additional £30.
MERCEDES-BENZ T80 ‘Schwarzer Vogel’
Designed by Ferdinand Porsche in the late 1930s the Mercedes-Benz T80 was built for Germany’s attempt on the Land Speed record. It was powered by a Daimler-Benz DB603 aircraft engine driving the four rear wheels. The advent of the Second World War curtailed this attempt and the car now resides in the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart. This limited edition of 100 only is £110.00 plus shipping. The optional figures of Ferdinand Porsche and Hans Stuck are an additional £30.
After this diversion into the automotive world I will be returning to aviation with a plethora of aviation releases. It may have seemed that little was going on at Staples and Vine over the past year but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I have (with a little help from MD) been researching new aircraft and designing and printing decals for future aircraft releases. The next newsletter will announce TWENTY new aircraft. There will be some real stunners, something for everyone I’m sure.
July 4th 2022
It’s a crazy time! Unfortunately I caught Covid a couple of weeks back which got passed on to my parents. My mother and I are almost fully recovered but sadly my father passed away last week. This has slowed things up but don’t worry I won’t be away from the workbench for long. I have a fair bit of juggling to do but the new cars have just been sprayed so a mailshot should be on its way soon. All the best to you all and please take care and stay safe. Sera.
June 10th 2022
At last I have some good news… The sculpting for the two new land speed cars is finally finished. Next week I will be mould making and then casting the samples so you can expect a mailshot very soon.
I already have the next releases planned and almost ready for release. They will all be aircraft! I have to do a little juggling before I can release them but they are very well advanced. So, as I mentioned in April, you wait for a bus then 4 come along. Well there will be more than 4….

April 23rd 2022
Hi Guys! I know, it’s been a long time since my last post, too long by far but all is good here at Staples and Vine, don’t worry I’m fine.
I have just completed a massive amount of orders and I’m now back on sculpting and origination. There hasn’t been anything new to share with you so that’s why it’s been radio silence but lots has been going on preparing for new releases. I’ve just bought a new resin 3D printer which will allow me to print larger masters. This should speed up the sculpting process. I am also about to invest heavily in some new sculpting software which will speed up my workflow. Next week I hope to complete a new decal sheet so you can expect to see some new releases soon. Make sure you are signed up to my newsletter to get the latest news as it drops. There is plenty on the way – you will be amazed. Releases are kind of like buses you wait ages for one, then 4 come along at once…
January 3rd 2022
A happy New Year to you all! I hope 2022 will be a good year for everyone. and we can look forward to many exciting ne releases from my workbench together.
Orders are continuing to flow in and I am working hard to keep on top of them but don’t worry, everything is under control.
2022 marks 10 years since the start of ‘Sera’s Blog’ and going back through the archives you can see how much has changed as Staples and Vine has continued to evolve and change with the times. Being a small business I have been able to adapt to the every changing collectors market. Always listening to your opinion has been crucial in expanding the Staples and Vine range. This year I plan to go back to my roots to a degree so you should see some more 1/144 aircraft released, especially after the run-away success of the TSR2 and SR-71 but more on new releases later on.
For now it’s great to be back at the workbench and I wish you all a fantastic 2022, Sera.