Sera’s Blog 2020

You can now follow the latest news from Staples & Vine with Sera’s Blog.
Updates from the workbench with news on the latest aircraft being sculpted.
I hope you enjoy the blog and I appreciate your feedback.
You can email me directly via
You can keep up to date with my news by following me in the social media links at the bottom of the page.

December 25th 2020

Merry Christmas everyone. What a year it’s been! I think many of us will be glad to see the back of 2020, hopefully next year will be better for us all. In the meantime you can see just how I designed and produced the TSR2 and SR-71A Blackbird in the latest episode of ‘Sera’s Vlog’.

I’ve got lots of new projects going on over the break that you are going to love and will be back in the studio on the 4th of January. All the best and I’ll see you then, Sera.

December 18th 2020

The TSR2 and SR-71A are both now in production. If you have reserved one please get in contact so I can collect your details and process your order, thanks. The response to these has been fantastic. Thank you to everyone who has ordered one. I shall be casting next week and dispatching in January. You can find out more about these two by clicking on the images below.

December 15th 2020

The mould making has been a total success and I am now working on the samples for the TSR2 and SR-71A Blackbird. As you can see assembly has gone well and the samples are now ready for primer, painting, decals and basing.

It is amazing just how much detail I have been able to capture in 1/144 scale and it has been a real pleasure returning to this scale. I am delighted with the progress so far and hope you will enjoy your TSR2s and Blackbirds when they arrive.

December 10th 2020

The masters for the TSR2 and SR-71A Blackbird are now finally finished and I’m mould making tomorrow. I’ll go over them with fresh eyes first just to double check and will in a few location holes to make casting easier but basically they are good to go.

There may not be many parts but the level of detail is fantastic. I am so pleased with the result. Now I just have to subject them to 150C and 1.5 tons of pressure. You can see more about how I make these moulds in my ‘How to…’ series on YouTube. Wish me luck and I’ll see you on the other side with the first samples completed.

December 4th 2020

Sorry for the radio silence of the past few weeks, I’ve been working hard catching up with orders. Well! I’m back on the TSR2 now and I have just finished the masters for the SR-71A. I hope to get the TSR2 masters finished on Wednesday next week and then I am onto mould-making. I’ll post some pictures of the finished masters next week. In the meantime you may like to take a look at my latest ‘HOW TO…’ video on YouTube where I try and explain some techniques for printing your own decals. Just click on the image below and it will take you to my YouTube channel where you can watch this and find out about the many other projects I have been working on.

November 11th 2020

I’ve been hard at work on the masters for the TSR2 and SR-71A Blackbird over the past week or so and thought you might like an update? They are coming along pretty well with most of the parts filed down to the correct size and fitted together. There is still the undercarriage to fit and the detail parts but they are coming on well and looking good so far.

I’ve had a few orders come in and have to get those out then I’m back on the masters. They are about half finished, then it’s mould making and time to cast the samples. If you are interested in one please get in touch soon as there are only a few of each left.

October 30th 2020

The castings are here! The castings are here! And I am delighted – maybe you can tell? The quality of these undercarriage is fantastic. They are in 1:144 scale which makes recreating the detail quite difficult but they have come out really well. They are supplied from the bronze casters with the feeds still attached as you ca see in the photo below.

When the feeds have been cut off and the parts cleaned up this is how they look.

Unfortunately they did cost a little more than I had expected but if you want quality then you have to pay the price. I am sure that any of you that have ordered the TSR2 or Sr-71A Blackbird will be delighted when you get your model. They are going to look stunning! Now I have to cast the metal masters, the moulds are in the oven warming up and I want to get them cast so I can have good run at cleaning them up next week. You can see how I go about making the silicone moulds in my ‘How to..’ video series here on YouTube. All the best and have a good weekend, Sera.

October 28th 2020

Panzer IV F-2 s are now dispatched and I am onto the TSR-2 and SR-71A Blackbird. The basic parts for these were 3D printed while I was working on production so I’m hitting the ground running. The undercarriage was 3D printed and sent off for bronze casting at the beginning of the month and they are due for delivery today. It’s all coming together! The masters have now been tidied up with Milliput and today I am going to make the first half of the silicone moulds

These are the masters for the TSR2 and while it doesn’t look like there are many the wing will be cast several times to get blanks to form the horizontal and vertical tails. In total there will be about 18 parts making up this aircraft.

The SR-71 is also ready for moulding. Ultimately slightly less parts but more metal. The grey rods going through the TSR2 and SR-71 engines are core plugs which will sit in the mould and allow metal to be cast around them. When removed they will leave a clear hole forming the engine cavity. Got to go that’s the doorbell, the undercarriage has arrived! Sera.

October 2nd 2020

The latest episode of my Vlog is now live on YouTube where you can see the highs and lows of getting the Panzer IV F-2 into production. There’s also an update on the TSR2 and SR-71A Blackbird which are selling like ‘hot cakes’. If you want either of these two new aircraft please get in touch as there are only a few left. Enjoy the video and have a good weekend, Sera.

September 25th 2020

At last the Panzer IV F-2 is in production. Now it is painted and based you can see just how it is rammed full of details, tools, spare tracks, lights, aerial, stowage and so much more. I have tried to make it more ‘in combat’ than the previous tanks in the range and this time it is free of snow! The two optional figures are the tank commander and an infantryman on the ground giving directions. I hope you like it.

As one project finishes another begins. This time it’s two projects, the TSR-2 and SR-71A Blackbird. Both of these aircraft are well underway and you can expect an update on their progress soon.

September 22nd 2020

I’ve just realised how long it has been since my last blog post. I have just been getting my head down and working hard. At least I am now starting to see the results of my efforts. Last week the masters of the Panzer IV F-2 were completed and the moulds were finally made. Yesterday I cast the first sample and have been carefully assembling it ready for paint. Here you can see where I am at so far.

The Panzer IV is laden with detail which makes it a great subject but does make it complex to assemble. Now I just have to spray, paint, decal, and base this classic German tank. So you can expect an email soon if you have signed up to the newsletter. I have also been working on the next releases the TSR2 and SR-71A Blackbird, but you will be able to see more on them and the Panzer IV in episode #17 of ‘Sera’s Vlog’ on my YouTube channel which has today reached 500 subscribers. I am so thrilled and look forward to showing you my latest release as soon as it is finished. Sera.

August 28th 2020

Panzer IV progress has been slow and steady as I am still juggling with orders. Evenings and weekends are mainly spent working on personal projects and my YouTube channel which is going pretty well. It’s a lot of work but I am really enjoying seeing the fruits of my labours. Here is the latest episode in ‘Sera’s Vlog’, episode #16 I hope you enjoy watching it. Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel to see the latest video when it is uploaded. There are lots of other videos on my channel you will find interesting so take a dive in and enjoy. All the best and have a great weekend, Sera.

August 14th 2020

Delayed by lots of lovely orders I have managed to squeeze in a few days working on the Panzer IV F-2. Gently cutting the support material away from the 3D printed parts was a bit nerve wracking but I got there in the end. The diagonals joining the road wheels to the upper rollers are to help production casting and will be removed on each casting. The main components have also been test fitted together and I have even sculpted a base for the Panzer IV F-2. The base will represent the ruins of the eastern front in summer 1942. Lots of dust and rubble, all very different from my previous winter dioramas.

The base will be sent off next week for moulding and casting. Meanwhile I shall be working on the 3D prints. All of the smaller parts will be translated into metal masters via cold cure silicone moulds. There is still a lot of tidying to be done on the larger parts with small areas to be Milliputed. Of course I also have to sculpt the figures. They will consist of a commander in the cupola asking directions to a soldier in the foreground. It’s coming up to wine o’clock so that just leaves me to wish you all a very happy weekend.

August 7th 2020

As always lots going on at ‘Staples and Vine’. I’ve been learning some new CAD modelling techniques this week in my spare time ( more on that later ) and also published the latest in my ‘How to…’ series. Episode #4 show you how I cast all my models using centrifugal casting. I hope you find it interesting, just click on the image below to watch it on YouTube.

July 31st 2020

As promised here are some photos of the Panzer IV 3D printed parts. I think I am not only getting a bit better at 3D modelling in my software but also learning new techniques with the 3D printing. It’s great when you find a better way of doing something and all of a sudden the quality goes up to another level.

I am absolutely thrilled with the print quality. Now to get cracking with the masters… Have a great weekend everyone.

July 27th 2020

At long last I have finished my personal project ‘Project Maus’ and here’s my final video in the series to show you. I hope you like it. There are loads of other videos on the Staples and Vine YouTube channel. You can follow my latest progress with ‘Sera’s Vlog’ and see just how I make moulds and cast with my ‘How to…’ series. If you like what you see please consider subscribing to my channel.

I have learned a massive amount about other techniques in this series which I will be able to apply to future Staples and Vine projects. It has been a very worthwhile exercise and given me confidence to experiment with other subjects.

In other news the Panzer IV 3D printing is going well with some astonishing results. I shall post some pictures in the next few days.

July 23rd 2020

It’s taken me three days to break the Panzer IV down and ‘flip my normals’. Now all the parts have also been prepared in my slicer software and are ready for 3D printing. Highlighting the parts in different colours lets me see exactly how the individual parts will fit together. It also helps me group parts for separate print jobs. So for example all the yellow parts will be printer in one go as will the brown.

With the parts de-bugged and fitting together they go to the slicer software to be prepared for the 3D printer. The software adds a support structure to make the printing possible. This set of wheels and tracks should take about 10 hours to print. It looks like my printer is going to have a busy few days (and nights).

The bridging parts from the road wheels to the upper rollers are to give support to the master during moldmaking and also help cast the part. I will feed the metal in through the pegs and where the track meets the ground. These bridging parts will be removed from the finished castings, so try to ignore them. Now that the Panzer IV is being printed I can get back to production and finish off a few orders hopefully by the time the printing is finished.

July 21st 2020

I’ve been making a start on the Panzer IV. I have to break it down for 3D printing and de-bugging. Some of the parts I have designed on the computer the 3D printer software thinks are inside out which means they wont print but other parts will. This leaves voids in the print where the part should be. The ‘normal’ side of any face of a part should face outwards. On problem parts they face inwards. Correcting this is known as ‘flipping normals’. Fortunately I can check for this in the printer software and then go back and make corrections. This image is of one side of the Panzer IV hull with all the red or transparent bits showing problems to resolve.

If I were to print this it would be a disaster. Fortunately after a few hours of de-bugging this is what I get.

This part is now ready to have the support material generated, then sliced by the software, then 3D printed. Then all I have to do is get it to fit together with all the other parts. Flipping Normals!

July 17th 2020

Of all the problems to have, too many orders is the best one to have. I keep starting sculpting and then more orders come in – I am NOT complaining. The response to the TSR-2 and SR-71 has been spectacular. The most commonly asked questions for these two are ‘how much?’ and ‘how big?’ See my 28th May post for the price as for the sizes both aircraft are long and narrow so have a relatively low wingspan. TSR-2 wingspan 3.1″ / 78.6mm, SR-71A wingspan 4.63″ / 117.6mm. To get a better idea of their size I have created these two images based on the computer models with a rough idea for the base layout.

The TSR-2 is mounted on a Number 5 base (7.71″ / 196 mm square) and it’s overall length will be 7.41″ / 188.4 mm. The SR-71A is mounted on a Number 6 base (9.33″ / 237 mm square) and it’s overall length will be 8.94 ” / 227.2 mm. As you can see they look good on the bases flanked with areas of grass which I think will set them both off very well. It’s hard to judge the scale of both these aircraft so I shall probably add a couple of vehicles to make their size clearer.
I am going to try and get some sculpting done in the evenings or at least some CAD work so that I can get the 3D printers running while I am fulfilling customer orders. I’m lucky to have such problems. Have a great weekend everyone, Sera.

June 30th 2020

The first stage of the CAD modelling for the SR-71A Blackbird and TSR-2 is now complete. By this I mean that the 3D CAD models are ready to generate rendered images from. I now have to break them apart in the computer and design the parts to be 3D printed ready for all the hand sculpting and then mouldmaking. As you can see the rendered images do look pretty cool. There are loads more images on the relevant pages, just click on the images below.

There is still a lot to do but I can continue to work on these in my spare time preparing and 3D printing them for when I am ready to get them into production. There has been a great response to the announcement of this pair with lots of advance orders so I will soon be able to treat Winston to a tin of Tuna. All the best and have a great week, Sera.

June 23rd 2020

It’s my birthday today, so after finishing off some international orders I felt like having a bash at the SR-71A Blackbird in my CAD software. I know I said I would finish off the TSR-2 first but I consider it a birthday present to myself. It is one seriously cool aircraft (another of my favourites). As you can see I have made great progress this afternoon. Certainly all the tricky ‘CAD sculpting’ has gone very well. I had a few issues with the nacelles but cracked them in the end. I now have to do all the detail parts on both aircraft but that’s no problem, I quite enjoy that. It will be great to be so far ahead on these two aircraft. I will be able to get the masters  3D printed while I am working on production of the Panzer IVF-2.

There is a quite famous amusing story about the Blackbird known as the ‘LA speed story’. If you have a 6 minutes to kill it’s here on YouTube

June 21st 2020

Always lots going on at Staples and Vine. There’s a lot of advertising and articles coming out in various magazines at the end of the month, but I’ll bring you up to speed when they hit the news-stands. In the meantime I’ve made a start on the TSR-2 CAD model.

I think it is looking pretty good. It’s a great looking aircraft anyway but that makes it even more critical to get the contours right. The fuselage is always the most difficult part to tune, followed by the undercarriage which is more of a technical exercise. The TSR-2 undercarriage is particularly complex but I am up for the challenge. Once the TSR-2 3D CAD model is finished I shall start on the SR-71A Blackbird. These will make a stunning pair of models. I can’t wait to see them in the flesh.

June 13th 2020

Another busy week! Production is going well, orders are coming in and going out. I have lots of advertising coming out at the end of the month but more on that another time. You may have been following my personal project on YouTube ‘Project Maus’. Well that is drawing to an end and I have just started my next project ‘Project StuG’. In this project I am scratch-building a 1/12 scale model of a Sturmgeschütz IIIG also known as a StuG IIIG. ‘Project Maus’ was a great ‘sandpit’ to test out new techniques to use in the Staples and Vine range and I expect ‘Project StuG’ to be the same. Anyway here’s the first episode to show you how the project is going. Please, if you can subscribe to my channel and if you see something you like, share it with your friends. Thanks, Sera.

June 8th 2020

Hi everyone. Production on the Bf 109K-4 and P-51D is going well. With all orders cast I am currently working on assembling all the aircraft. This is actually the longest stage of the whole process as there are a lot of parts to clean up and fit by hand.
In my spare time I have been working on my latest ‘How to…’ video where you can see how I made the moulds for the latest Bf 109. Just click on the thumbnail below and it will take you to the YouTube video. I hope you enjoy it and find it interesting.

June 4th 2020

I have just uploaded ‘Sera’s Vlog #15’ to my YouTube channel where you can see more about the 1/48 scale limited edition Bf 109K-4 and P-51D Mustang. Just click on the thumbnail below to see more.

If you enjoy seeing my videos please subscribe to my channel it really helps me a lot. Thanks for watching and have a great weekend, Sera.

May 28th 2020

Thank you to everyone who responded to yesterday’s newsletter. It certainly created a reaction, primarily in regard to the announcement of the new releases. Make sure you are signed up (see the bottom of any page) so you don’t miss out. Once I am up to date with Bf 109K-4, P-51D and other orders I shall be sculpting the next tank release, the Panzer IV F-2.

Panzer IV Ausf. F2
Panzer IV Ausf. F2
As you can see from the 3D model this is already very well advanced. I now need to break it down into parts and 3D print it then make the moulds. The possible release date is this autumn, but keep checking the blog to see how things are going.
Now onto the announcement that got everyone so excited. After the Panzer IV F-2 comes the return to 1/144 scale with the TSR-2 and SR-71A Blackbird.

The TSR-2 will be XR219, which was the first prototype of this incredible aircraft. It was test flown on its maiden flight by World War II ace Roland Beamont of Lightning and Canberra fame. As yet I have no idea of price as I may go for bronze undercarriage for extra finesse. It should be around £100 but that is just a guess.

The SR-71A Blackbird I have chosen is the well known ‘ICHI-BAN’ (number 1) which has a long and illustrious history. Being a bigger beast than the TSR-2 it will be a higher price but not much.

Both of these aircraft will be limited editions of 25 only, and judging by yesterday’s frenzy they won’t hang around for long. Well they are supersonic! If you click on the images you should get to the relevant page to find out more. If you would like to reserve a TSR-2 or SR-71A Blackbird give me a call or send me an email.

May 27th 2020

At last the new 1/48 scale Bf 109K-4 and P-51D Mustang are in production. Both these aircraft are from ‘Operation Bodenplate’ – the last major offensive of the Luftwaffe in World War II. You can find out more about these two new aircraft by clicking on the images below. The Bf 109K-4 has all the unique features you would find on a K-4. Inner undercarriage doors, extra aerial, late style canopy and of course the bulged fuselage ahead of the cockpit. To compliment the Bf 109K-4 there are two new figures. A period correct pilot and groundcrew.

The all new P-51D Mustang is a stunning model. The detail is in the decals with propeller markings, stencil markings and nose art adding so much to the model. Known as the ‘Cadillac of the skies’ by some you can see just what a beautiful aircraft the P-51 is when you take a look at the rest of the photos on the P-51 page. The P-51D is set on a base representing the airfield Y-29 at Asch where the 352nd Fighter Group were based on the morning of January 1st 1945 when ‘Operation Bodenplate’ took place.

May 16th 2020

Time is going by so fast these days. Sorry I haven’t posted for a few weeks , I have just been so determined to get the masters finished. I have been working flat out on the masters for the new releases which are finally finished and ready for mouldmaking on Monday. The bronze castings for the undercarriage also arrived this week and look fantastic. So it looks like everything is coming together nicely.
The masters for the Messerschmitt Bf 109K-4 have been produced using my traditional methods of hand sculpting, silicone moulds, and metal masters. The masters for the P-51D were designed on the computer in CAD and 3D printed using both my FDM and resin 3D printers. Many of the smaller parts were then silicone moulded and cast to also become metal masters.

As ever lots has been going on behind the scenes. I have also finished a decal sheet for printing which has over 20 new models on it for future releases. As ‘Project Maus’ is drawing to a close I have also started my next personal project. You can also expect to see some more videos on YouTube in the coming weeks including Vlog #15 where I explain more about the Bf 109K-4 and P-51D project, another couple of ‘How to…’ videos and the first video in my new personal project series.

I now have two moulds to make for each aircraft and then cast and finish the samples. So next week I am going to be a bit busy. You can expect an email newsletter soon (if you have signed up) with pictures of the finished aircraft and details on how you can order these 1/48 scale limited edition aircraft. I have sculpted new figures for each aircraft which will as ever be available as an option. All the best, Sera.

April 27th 2020

Despite all the chaos that surrounds us in these crazy times I have been beavering away at my workbench and computer. By day sculpting the new Bf 109K-4 and P-51D and by night working on ‘Project Maus’. I am now proud to say that my Maus is now painted and weathered .
I am just waiting for a base to mount it on. This project has taken me a couple of years to complete in my spare time and it has tought me so many new techniques along the way. Being more aware of these other techniques also helps me develop new ideas for Staples and Vine projects for the future. Anyway I thought you might like to see the latest episode in the series. Just click on the image below. I already have my next project planned which will push me even harder.

Aircraft sculpting is going well with the Bf 109K-4 nearly finished and ready for mouldmaking. Then I shall focus on the P-51D. It got a little intense juggling the two together as there were so many parts to deal with between the two aircraft. There are many subtle little detail differences between the 109K and G variants all of which add up to make a very interesting subject. I am looking forward to getting back onto the Mustang which will look stunning in its silver and blue livery. The new figures are sculpted for both aircraft and will make excellent additions. All the best and stay safe, Sera.

April 14th 2020

It’s often difficult running Staples and Vine as I have to wear so many different hats, carrying out a wide variety of tasks. Fortunately I am fairly disciplined and on top of things pretty quickly these days. The Corona virus outbreak has affected everyone across the world and we have all had to adapt, and change how we do things from now on. I always try and plan ahead and carry a good level of materials in stock ‘just in case’. However last week I discovered that my bronze casters had shut down due to the outbreak and my P-51D Mustang undercarriage wouldn’t be cast until the lockdown was lifted! After a brief release of frustration I set to work 3D printing new masters and made contact with new bronze casters who could help me get the aircraft back on track. In a way I am pleased as I now have backup suppliers which will give me more flexibility. The two new bronze casters I have found are low volume producers and suit my needs perfectly. So it appears every cloud does indeed have a silver lining.

It would have been Tim’s birthday today. I think he would have been chuffed at how well things are going for ‘Staples and Vine’. I learned a lot from Tim and I’m proud of what I have achieved although I do now have a lot of hats in my collection!

April 3rd 2020

It’s been a bit of a mad week this week! The 3D printer has been working 24/7 making PPE visors for our local NHS healthcare staff and the first batches have been delivered. I think they have gone down well.

I have also of course been working on the P-51D and Bf 109K-4. The all new figures are sculpted and will consist of a new pilot and ground crew for each aircraft. The first half of the silicone moulds have been poured today which is a great milestone to pass. You can see my YouTube ‘HOW TO..’ series for more of an explanation. The second half will be poured on Monday and they will be cast on Tuesday. From then on it’s relatively straightforward to clean up fit and detail all the castings prior to mouldmaking.
I am planning a new decal sheet to be printed in a few weeks time so if you can think of anything you would like me to produce in the future send me an email. I now need a bit of a rest – after I’ve checked on the printer. Wishing you all a safe and happy weekend. Sera.

March 30th 2020

A few days ago a friend of mine discovered our local doctors surgery was in need of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), especially visors to use when treating patients. We both have 3D printers and are now printing as many as we can not only for our doctors but for any medical / care workers that need them. If you would like to help by donating to fuel the printers and buy more printers please visit Sam Heaton’s Facebook page here After the crisis is over the printers we buy will be donated to local schools. Here’s a picture of my first 10 visor frames ready for the screens to be fitted. Keep well, Sera.

March 27th 2020

Hi everyone as promised Episode #14 of ‘Sera’s Vlog’ is now on YouTube. With Covid-19 causing so many problems around the world I am fortunate that I work from home so I can stay isolated and get my head down with production and sculpting.

Progress on the new Bf 109K-4 and P-51D Mustang is good. Today I am working on the four new figures, Milliputing them from the basic cast figures I cast in my ‘How to… #2’ video. Once these are finished in Milliput they will be silicone moulded with many of the other parts and converted into metal masters. Once those are cleaned up then its mouldmaking time.

To everyone, I hope you stay clear of this awful virus and keep well. All the best, Sera.

March 20th 2020

Things are getting pretty serious globally these days and with social isolation being advised for many. People are looking more and more towards social media to keep in touch with what’s going on. As I work from home and venture out rarely work so far is unaffected, as long as I stay uninfected. I know many of you regular readers of my blog find it a useful way to keep up to date with what I have going on but I do have other methods of sharing my news. I post on Facebook both personally and as ‘Staples and Vine’ but primarily, I find Instagram very useful for showing you quickly what I am up to. For more of a ‘tea break’ situation check out my YouTube channel ‘StaplesandVine’. Episode #14 of ‘Sera’s Vlog’ will be out next Friday featuring my progress on the 1/48 scale Bf 109K-4 and P-51D Mustang. Today though I release episode #2 of my ‘How to…’ series. This episode shows you how I cast from my silicone moulds. It’s a direct follow on from Episode #1

I hope you find the video interesting and tune in same time next week for ‘Sera’s Vlog #14’ to see the Bf 109K-4 and P-51D progress. In the meantime stay well, and if you are in isolation you have my best wishes and I hope you get well soon, Sera.

March 15th 2020

Hi everyone! Sorry it has been so long since my last blog post I have been very busy with orders which is great, but it does delay new releases. I am now finally up to date and back onto sculpting tomorrow. I managed to get the P-51D and Bf 109K-4 undercarriage 3D prints cleaned up, finished and sent off to the bronze casters last week so I have been making some progress.

Having the resin 3D printer saves me so much time. What would have taken days can now be achieved in just a few hours and to a very high quality.
I’ve been working on my YouTube channel (click on the images below to see the videos on YouTube) in my spare time and released my first video in my new ‘How to…’ series. The first episode explains in detail how I design and make my cold cure silicone moulds to convert 3D printed or Milliput parts into metal masters.

This will save me explaining just how I make silicone moulds time after time. I can just refer people to this video. Episode #2 will show you how I cast from these silicone moulds. It’s already ‘in the can’ and will go live next Friday. I’ve also been making progress on my Maus tank at the weekends.

The next episode will see the Maus in camo and weathered. Weathering is something I have never done before and is a bit of a ‘black art’ but I’m up to the challenge – I think. Project Maus has taken me into areas I would never have previously ventured. I have learnt so much and I am now more confident about future Staples and Vine projects. This project is now coming to an end but I already have the next one lined up!
If you enjoy my YouTube videos please hit the like button, subscribe to my channel, and share with your friends. It really does make a big difference. My next video will bring you up to date with progress on the P-51D Mustang and Bf 109K-4.

There is a lot going on in the world right now with ‘Covid-19’. I am fortunate that I work from home and have minimal contact with others so I expect releases and production to be unaffected unless I have an issue with supply of my raw materials. To everyone else I hope you stay safe and recover quickly if you do catch the dreaded bug. If you are in isolation you can always while away some time watching my YouTube videos. All the best, Sera.

February 14th 2020

Wow this year is going fast! No soon as I get up to date with production I get another batch of orders. I’m not complaining – far from it. I guess my advertising is paying off. Talking of which there is a special commemorative magazine celebrating the aircraft of the RAF and guess who has an advert on the inside front cover!

The magazine comes out at the end of the month and thoroughly documents the aircraft of the RAF. It’s a useful reference as well as a good read. I’m wearing many hats these days and what with orders coming in and multitasking you can see how release dates for new projects slip despite my best efforts.
Have a great weekend everyone I’m getting back to multitasking. I do like to keep busy.

February 1st 2020

Production is going well with the first batch of Fw 190D-13 (and others) going out next week. Then I am onto my next, small batch of production to tidy my orders up and then finally onto sculpting. I am trying to get some sort of work / life balance going which is a bit difficult as I enjoy what I do so much and I’m often fiddling with something work / model related in my spare time. The landscape is beautiful around here with plenty of places to visit. So I took a walk out along the ‘Tarka Trail’ a couple of weeks ago on a cold and frosty morning. It cleaned out the cobwebs and gave me a good start for 2020.

I love going to the cinema and have been looking forward to seeing ‘JoJo Rabbit’ for some time. It’s a great satire on Nazi Germany in WWII and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Very funny and moving – highly recommended.

There are lots of jobs for me to do behind the scenes in the business now I’m flying solo and they can take up quite a bit of time. This is one of the reasons why things take longer to do than I originally plan for. More often than not it’s two steps back three forward, but at least I make progress. More often than not I’m beavering away in the evenings, but I’m happy. Plans for 2020 releases keep changing but I can tell you that after the Panzer IV F-2 there will be a return to 1:144 with somethings radical…

January 16th 2020

All is going well with production, I hope to be up to date by the end of next week then it’s onto the P-51D Mustang and Bf 109K-4.
I have just been to the cinema to see the new Sam Mendes film ‘1917’. It is amazing! Famously it is filmed as if it were one take / sequence of time. Beyond that it tells a vivid story of life on the front line in World War I, giving a perspective beyond that of the trenches. I highly recommend this film, if you can see it do so, you will not be disappointed.

January 11th 2020

The first week back has been a bit on the mad side! The Focke Wulf Fw 190D-13s are cast as are all the other outstanding orders, and I have started assembly. I’ve fitted new lights to my Ultimaker 3D printer and started printing the P-51D Mustang. I’ve even filmed some of the printing which can be a bit hypnotic.

As you can see the printer is working well. It’s like having another pair of hands beavering away while I get on with producing the Fw 190s. I am a bit overexcited about 2020 I must admit – so many plans – so much to do, but I am very positive, focused and looking forward to the year ahead. The P-51D parts have printed well. I still have a few more parts to print and shall get those done over the next couple of weeks.

The masters for the P-51 will be 3D printed but the Bf 109K-4 will be originated using my traditional methods so it will be a case of ‘old school’ vs ‘new school’. My next vlog should give an interesting comparison of the two different origination techniques. My priority is to finish production then I have a clean run at the two new releases which I reckon I will be starting in another couple of weeks. By then I should have all the P-51 parts printed and be able to hit the ground running.

January 6th 2020

Happy New Year to you all! I am glad to be back in the studio after the festive break but as you can imagine I haven’t been resting on my laurels. I’ve been researching and planning this year’s releases. There has been a lot of chopping and changing  – I think I am currently on ‘Plan J’! It is always difficult choosing what to release as there are so many great subjects to choose from and only so many I can release in a year. At least I have a shortlist and we know what the next three releases will be.

The response to the Focke Wulf Fw 190D-13 ‘Yellow 10’ has been fantastic. 8 of the 10 models are now sold so if you do want one give me a call, send me an email or order through the site.

Once I am up to date with the orders I can begin sculpting the Messerschmitt Bf 109K-4 and North American P-51D.

The Bf 109K-4 was one of the last major variants of the 109 series and this particular aircraft, ‘Black 3’, took part in ‘Operation Bodenplate’. It attacked aircraft on the ground at Asch in Belgium – home of the 352nd Fighter Group, only to be shot down by anti-aircraft fire.

At last the glaring void in the 1/48 range is going to be filled – the P-51D, commonly known as the ‘Mustang’. This particular P-51D was the aircraft of Lt. Col. John Meyer who led the 352nd Fighter Group on January 1st 1945 when the Luftwaffe attack took place. He took off under fire and managed to shoot down an Fw 190 before his undercarriage had fully retracted. For his leadership he was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. The Mustang is one of my favourite aircraft of all time and the feedback I have had after announcing it has been terrific. This iconic aircraft is a favourite of many, and it’s not hard to see why.

Following on from the aircraft will be my third 1/48 scale tank, the Panzer IV F-2 from the battle for Stalingrad. Now that I have my new airbrush the mottle pattern on German tanks and aircraft no longer hold any fears for me. This will be in the same format as the Sherman and Tiger and won’t be on snow!

Panzer IV Ausf. F2

I have had a very busy break working on future projects and in my spare time working on ‘Project Maus’ which is coming on well and should be finished in a couple of months ( see more on my YouTube channel ). ‘Project Maus’ has taught me a lot about new materials and techniques which I can add to my arsenal and apply to future Staples and Vine projects.
I am very positive about 2020, and wish you all an excellent year ahead, Sera.

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